

Have you ever encountered or fallen into the following situations:

– Feeling resentful, dissatisfied, and resistant to the boss's decisions

– Losing temper, being irritable, raising your voice at staff when problems occur

– Anxiety, restlessness, and extreme stress when assigned a new task or challenge

The final result of these cases is:

– Still working but leaving a wrong impression on the boss

– Still resolved but made colleagues and employees distant and shy

– Still doing it, but feeling uncomfortable and lack confidence

The above reactions significantly affect mood and work performance. However, do you know how to control this emotion effectively?

Emotional management is the first thing you need to practice to become a manager capable of leading a team or achieving development goals at work. Among them, the 3W process is a popular method of handling emotions with self-control and is currently being applied by many leaders.


1️. Wait

Stop to give yourself time to calm down and relax. It could be a few seconds, a few minutes, a few hours or longer. Do not speak or do anything in a "fiery" or intense emotional state.

You can apply two techniques: close your eyes and count the numbers or breathe deeply.

2️. Watch

The "pause" period is the golden time for you to observe and identify your thoughts, feelings, and the things around you. From there, you will better understand the root cause of these emotions and have ways to adjust them appropriately.

3️. Wise

After waiting and observing, you can now make better and more informed decisions. It could be solving problems reasonably, avoiding conflicts, or releasing emotions gently and comfortably.

Remember, only when you can manage yourself can you effectively manage others. Try applying the 3W process to see your positive changes!

With the desire to accompany businesses, organizations and individuals on the journey of capacity development, G.A.P Institute is a leading reputable unit providing in-depth training programs according to international standards.

Contact us now for further advice!


Nguồn: Tạp chí Diễn đàn Doanh Nghiệp.

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