

Research from The Harvard Business Review shows that the turnover rate for Sales personnel is 27% higher than the general workforce.

Besides, companies in the U.S. also spend just over 15 billion dollars annually to train new sales staff to replace those who have quit. 

Sales personnel quitting is also a complex problem for many companies, especially in the education sector, when most admission consultants only stay with the job for a short time and leave afterward. The constant 'replacement' of personnel has affected the output quality of organizations and caused a loss of money, training and development efforts of the recruitment department.

For a department with a high number of employees leaving, G.A.P. Academy recommends four solutions to educational companies:

1️. Create the Sales team's confidence in the products they are providing to customers

The prerequisite for a consultant to be able to sell products is to honestly believe in the quality of what they are bringing to buyers and users. So, first of all, the company needs to create conditions for the sales or consulting team to directly participate in the product testing process to self-assess the quality of products and services.

2️. Build a standard model for the team to follow

For Sales staff to work seriously, the team leader must have enough ability and appropriate work attitude to build an order for the whole team to follow. Suppose even the manager cannot sell or provide solutions to difficulties for subordinates. In that case, there is a high possibility that the employees in the group will feel they need more convincing to continue sticking with a job that the boss can't do well either.

3️. Build a clear promotion path for the Sales department

Many young people fear working as a sales consultant because they need to see their long-term development path in this field. Therefore, companies should proactively draw a career map to help Salespeople easily visualize what higher positions they can reach in the future.

For example, with an individual Salesperson, you can advance to other positions such as working in customer strategy or the highest being Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). Salespeople in the B2B segment can become Market Development Specialists or Sales Directors if their capacity and time spent with the company is large enough.

4️. Develop programs to help balance work and life for consultants

Unlike the remaining departments, Sales is the department directly responsible for sales for the organization. Mainly for educational institutions, the peak enrollment season is only concentrated in a few months of the year, so enrollment consultants always face a lot of pressure and stress. Therefore, proactively building policies to ensure employees' health or work-life balance is necessary so they can stick with the company longer.

If you are still trying to implement any of the above solutions for your business, let G.A.P help you do it! Contact us immediately to design the most suitable consulting program!

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