

According to Gallup, 70% of employees in the US feel disengaged at work and one of the leading causes is lack of communication and feedback from leadership.

Also, in a Salesforce study, 86% of workers and managers believe that lack of cooperation or ineffective communication leads to workplace mistakes.

This problem stems from young or less experienced workers participating less in the company's strategic activities. Therefore, when superiors assign tasks, they follow along without understanding the entire context of the incident. This quickly leads to many mistakes due to misunderstandings and takes more time to correct.

To solve this problem, G.A.P.'s advice for managers and business owners is:

1️. Create conditions for subordinates to discuss common company issues in a spirit of respect and openness

For example, at Deloitte Group, employees must follow the rule of not writing requests or suggestions in a commanding style, but on the contrary, must have an entire subject and predicate to avoid creating misunderstandings or animosity with colleagues. This helps minimize communication errors and gives employees a more responsible attitude toward what they have built and developed with the team.

2️. Build reverse mentoring programs so that new employees possess skills and knowledge that old colleagues lack, becoming mentors for old employees or more senior colleagues

This form is shown through the example of a Gen Z friend sharing with an older colleague about the younger generation's perspective, new technology operations or how to record a Tiktok video. With the above method, the chemistry between senior and junior couples will increase because they can learn to listen and understand each other more.

3️. Unify the work exchange process and common communication channels to ensure that the information flow between the two parties is coherent and does not cause confusion for the recipient

The company should stipulate which channel is used for reporting or discussing a problem, avoiding employees updating the situation in one channel and communicating with colleagues in another medium. In addition, business owners also need to build a work reporting process before, during and after project completion so that all employees clearly understand work progress and save communication time.

If you are still trying to implement any of the above solutions for your business, let G.A.P. help you do it!

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