

The leadership capacity of human resources is a factor that helps businesses thrive. Therefore, practicing leadership and management skills is essential for anyone to cultivate. However, do you know what leadership capacity is? How do you practice this skill, especially in the 4.0 era? Let's find out with G.A.P Institutes in the article below!

1. What is leadership capacity?

Leadership competencies are the skills and resources you may possess that help you become a good leader.

They include many skills and qualities such as dedication, assertiveness, problem-solving ability, persuasion ability, time and resource management ability, ability to listen and interact, ability to build relationships, etc.

With good leadership capacity, the leader or person in a management position can make correct and reasonable decisions. They receive trust and respect from everyone around them. At the same time, they help motivate the team to work more productively and effectively.

2. Leadership capacity in the context of the 4.0 era

Leadership capacity plays an important role, especially in the 4.0 era. In the digital context, businesses have many challenges in technology integration, model transformation, data security, etc.

Therefore, leaders must know how to promote innovation and improve quality through digital values, smart devices or modern collaborative communication methods. This applies new technologies and involves building sustainable strategies for businesses.

A capable leader will help a business have a clear vision and strategy. They help companies to know where the destination is and how to get to that finish line.

At the same time, a good leader will know how to inspire trust and inspire people. They contribute to creating a positive, healthy and motivating working environment.

So today, businesses not only seek but are always ready to foster leadership capacity for their employees. The higher the level, the more stringent the requirements for this capacity, requiring more in-depth and systematic training for leaders.

Not only is it valued at work, but leadership capacity is also vital for each individual, motivating you to improve both professional knowledge and behavior. At the same time, your ability to communicate, manage situations and solve problems all improve and develop admirably.

3. How to develop leadership capacity?

Everyone knows that developing leadership and management capacity is essential. But in reality, improving this skill takes work. To practice adequate leadership capacity, apply the five ways that G.A.P shares below.

3.1. Understand yourself

Understanding yourself is the essential element you need to do before learning how to lead others. Do you know what your strengths and weaknesses are? What are your capabilities? Or what is the point you have to overcome?

Each person is different, and recognizing these characteristics is necessary. When you understand yourself, you can focus on developing relevant skills and minimizing the limitations you may encounter to become a good leader.

3.2. Supplement professional knowledge

Professional knowledge is one of the outstanding reasons for you to be promoted and trusted in leadership positions. Therefore, it is understandable that you must improve your knowledge to lead the organization continuously.

You can supplement your professional knowledge by practicing reading habits, taking in-depth training courses or connecting with industry experts.

With that, you will confidently find an effective and timely solution for your business in any situation.

3.3. Improve communication ability and sense of responsibility

It is one of the steps to help you develop leadership capacity. A good leader must know how to convey information accurately and meaningfully and must learn how to listen and acknowledge everyone's contributions.

Remember, leaders not only work with colleagues and departments but also with customers or other senior managers. Therefore, you need to learn how to communicate and behave appropriately for each subject.

At the same time, leadership capacity is also shown through your spirit. The leader will not blame or push, but should be the one to accept responsibility, rectify and find a solution to the problem. Always boost everyone's spirit and create motivation to conquer challenges and goals.

3.4. Be open to feedback

Don't worry or react harshly to the comments of those around you. Be proactive in chatting and asking everyone for feedback about your working style. They can be your boss, manager, colleague, or anyone you regularly work with.

With an attitude of asking and listening, when you absorb those comments, you will surely know how to improve and develop your leadership capacity.

3.5. Constantly looking for development environments

Take your time with the opportunity to lead someone to appear. Take the initiative to propose to management opportunities to try or find an environment for you to demonstrate your abilities.

Besides, you will develop extremely quickly and effectively if an instructor leads you with good leadership capacity.

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4. How to measure leadership capacity

It is indeed challenging to evaluate what good leadership capacity is. Because it does not have a certain measure, standard, or qualitative or quantitative measure.

However, to determine your leadership capacity, you can answer the questions suggested by Predictiveindex below:

  • How do you take criticism? Have you seriously considered and made an improvement plan?
  • What have you understood about yourself?
  • What will you do when a problem occurs, or work is ineffective?
  • What is your working style?
  • How do you approach and communicate with colleagues?

G.A.P Institute hopes that the sharing about leadership capacity in the article will help you gain more practical knowledge. If you want to build and develop comprehensive skills on your career path, immediately contact G.A.P Institute - Vietnam Talent Training and Development Institute for detailed advice!


Source: Collector.

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