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Tran Hung Thien

Founder and CEO of Gcomm Research

  • MBA at Hawaii Vietnam Executive MBA Program
  • Former Senior Director of Retail Research at Nielsen Vietnam
  • Advisor and moderator of the nonprofit Project Hear.Us.Now, which aims to eliminate educational inequalities for people with disability in communication.. 
  • 20 years of experience in Market Research and Development
  • Lecturer of the International Foundation Program, soft skills and market research of the Vietnam – UK Institute for Research and Executive Education (University of Danang)
  • Visiting Lecturer in Market Research at RMIT University Vietnam.

Dấu mốc sự nghiệp quan trọng

G.A.P cung cấp nhiều chương trình đào tạo cho cá nhân, doanh nghiệp & các trường đại học

Nhà đồng sáng lập

At G.A.P, we have assembled a team of experts with extensive experience and practical knowledge in the market.